A Case History of success

Who is?

Polisan is a clinical analysis laboratory operating under an accreditation agreement with Italy’s National Health Service.

The Polisan clinical analysis laboratory was established in 1996 in Moliterno before a network of centres was also established in Potenza.

What does it do?

Polisan performs continuous updates on new laboratory diagnostic needs, including through detailed and in-depth analysis of patient details, observations and opinions, in order to monitor perceived quality and personalise care.

Polisan’s objective: to achieve ever higher levels of quality in the services provided through an understanding of the patient’s opinion of the service received.

How does it work?

Thanks to SeiSoddisfatto?, Polisan periodically measures the quality perceived by its patients by means of anonymously-designed questionnaires that provide details for new improvement objectives.

Why us?

  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows Polisan to set up questionnaires with rules on visibility, creating structured compilation paths;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? allows Polisan to gather data by type of service performed;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? sends real-time alerts in the event of any dissatisfaction;
  • SeiSoddisfatto? provides Polisan with ongoing assistance in analysing the data.


Dott.ssa Emilia Agoglia

Head of the Polisan Analytical Laboratory

“It is crucial that patients’ opinions form an integral part of a constant and systematic monitoring system, allowing us to build indicators and develop methodologies able to identify new margins for improvement. Thanks to the SeiSoddisfatto? totems, we can measure patients’ perceptions of the timeframe, expected results and friendliness of the staff.”

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